I'm Writing a Big Check to the IRS — Don't Forget

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I hope you’ve been taking my advice and that you’ve been going after Procrastinators the past two weeks. Look — you still have four days, and it’s not too late!
(You may not believe me on that, but we once had an ad hit on the 13th — when the deadline was the 15th — and it pulled in a monstrous ROI.)
If you’re wanting to get a final bump, right now, go back to my advice, and use it!
But, as I mentioned in the subject line, I’m cutting a check to the Treasury, and the state of Missouri this weekend which is somewhat painful. MO has a 6-month “waiting period” for adoptions to be finalized (which we missed by 8 days), and so my wife and I didn’t get to take advantage of the $26K+ in tax credits from our most recent adoptions (link takes you to a video on my wife’s blog, in case you want a quick pick-me-up :)).
Many of your clients, too, are cutting that check this weekend — don’t forget that.
In fact, the next month or two is a PERFECT time to demonstrate some empathy, acknowledge the blow — but then follow up with the killer pitch for some tax PLANNING.
Even if you’ve not been formally trained in this (something which we are looking at helping our clients get fixed in the future), you STILL can come alongside many of your clients and easily get paid to help them save some serious coinage for next year.
(Which, happens to be one of the 4-5 main themes I strike when I write email marketing on behalf of our many tax professional clients — because it works.)
So, put that marketing idea in your funnel — after you take a break next week.
You’ll deserve a break, that’s for sure!
In the meantime … keep cranking! Pull in those procrastinators, extend ’em if you have to, but don’t let your short-term weariness keep you from reaching your long-term goals!

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