"CRISIS!" — Will it ever end?

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We’ve got…Deadly Pig Flu (sorry–“H1N1” flu). Poisoned Food. Massive Government Takeover of Industries. Iran & North Korea with nukes. PIRATES! …what, me worry? Seriously, the never-ending diet of media-driven chaos can be overwhelming for the business owner.

[Oh yes, and the recession.] But you don’t have to accept this kind of chaos for your business. Indeed, did you know that there are currently tens of thousands of businesses GROWING (like mine, and perhaps yours) in the midst of all this drama?

You see, achieving real results in this environment truly comes down to what you’re willing to accept, and how you behave in the storm. No, I’m not suggesting you become a “denier” and stick your head in the sand. That’s what your falling-by-the-wayside competitors will do.

Instead, to thrive in the economy, you must take the necessary steps to change how you market and present yourself to prospects and clients, because the buyers are still there (whatever the 24-7 news shows are saying).

Right now, I’m sitting in my hotel room at the Glazer-Kennedy Insiders Circle Marketing SuperConference, and I’m getting the chance to be around like-minded entrepreneurs and small business owners who are quietly (and sometimes loudly) creating windfall profits for themselves in the middle of this storm.

As I chat with folks in the hallways, the consistent refrain I’m hearing is: “I’m doing more, not less.” Marketing, that is. It’s what’s pushing the results for these “renegade” business owners well beyond what’s commonly accepted in their industries.

We just heard from a dentist from a small town in Canada who is doing about $700K per month in sales. Like many here, he’s pulling out all the stops and is on bus benches, yellow pages, JV’s with local merchants, press releases, email marketing, newsletters, multiple websites, referral programs, billboards–you name it, he does it.

And his competitors hate him.

The lesson for you: during these times, don’t sit on your marketing. Work on it; do what it takes to get around like-minded peers and quickly implement strategies and tools which you don’t have to “re-invent”. Do what it takes. Deliver the “message to Garcia”.

I’ll have more thoughts for you next week, including some video lessons I’ve been recording here from my hotel room.

Don’t let yourself be a victim to this economy. Do what it takes.

PS–I’ve also lined up our next Member expert interview for the month of May. He’s a former CPA who has become a multi-millionaire providing an “add-on” service which requires no licensing or special skills. Watch your email (and your mailbox) for details.

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